Monday, February 2, 2015

Hello, allow me to introduce myself....

Hello! If you are reading this, it means I have decided to finally start my own blog. It's been a thought for some time, but finding time to go through with "thoughts" often escapes my everyday. 

Allow me to introduce myself and my reasoning behind this blog. I am a working mother and wife. I have 1 child, age 7. My husband of 11 years and I own a dental practice and work together everyday. In my quest to be a good mother and wife, I am always searching for "savers"; money savers, time savers and those great "life savers" that pull us through our sometimes incredibly hectic life. I love, love , love to cook and am always looking for healthy alternatives to my favorite foods (which is why you will see so many recipe posts). I believe in hard work. I believe in doing things the right way the first time. I believe in enjoying life. I do not believe that a woman's job is to stay home barefoot and pregnant, waiting endlessly on her family, but instead, to be the best wife and mother to her family. I believe to do so, a woman needs to take time for herself. I believe mental health is as important as physical health. Howver, physical health is a huge part of what made me start this blog. I am a certified group fitness instructor and am blessed to teach Zumba 4 days a week with my two best friends. My friends teach and inspire my daily. I think great friends are very important. 

My mission in this blog is to share my experiences with others. These experiences can include family, health, fitness, nutrition and money saving techniques, as well as anything else I think someone might be interested in. I think I possess a lot of knowledge in these areas, yet at the same time, think I still have much to learn and hope this blog can be a forum to learn and discuss new ways in tackling tasks... 

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