Friday, February 6, 2015

38 Flights of Stairs: Part 1- The Before

As I sit here, just checked into my hotel, thinking about the morning ahead, I am worried. At 9:10 AM, along with a diverse team, I will begin the journey of climbing 38 flights of stairs in the American Lung Association's Fight for Air Climb at the National City Tower in Louisville, Kentucky.  I mean, let's face it, 38 flights of stairs is a lot. Climbing 38 flights for "fun" does seems slightly insane. I once climbed down 50+ flights of stairs (prior to checking on whether the elevator was still operating) during a tornado in Atlanta. That was rough, and it was DOWN!

I have been preparing for the climb by practicing with my teammates on the weekends I am in town. Practices have, ironically, been located at the hotel we regularly stay at, so I felt it must have been a sign that practicing was a must for me.

Let me say, stair climbing is much different than running and Zumba! It works muscles that I never knew were there. The "practice hotel" is 19 floors. For those not mathematically inclined, that's half! And I have a good feeling that although I complete those 19 floors multiple times each practice, climbing 38 consecutive will be challenging.

I am worried. But, I am excited. I love new adventures. Like I say during my Zumba classes, YOU DON'T KNOW YOU CAN'T DO SOMETHING UNLESS YOU TRY IT! So try.....

For now, I am off to bed. Once again, I will be missing my Zumba girls in the morning. If you are reading this before class, shake it hard for me.

To be continued................