Tuesday, February 10, 2015

38 Flights of Stairs: Part 2 - The After

Well, I made it...

Let me begin by saying The American Lung Association's Fight for Air Climb was absolutely amazing! What an experience!

Like I said in the last post, I have never participated in an event like this. The object: get from the bottom to the top, via 38 flights of stairs, as quickly as possible. I had no expectation, no real time set in my head. My only goal was to finish and not die! When you are surrounded by nothing but concrete walls and steps, in a small enclosed space, with no where to go but up, your mind can play tricks on you. I was so driven to get to the top that I lost track of what floor I was on and actually had to be told I was done! I have never felt the burning my my chest and lungs like that before. It is truly indescribable. As I gasped for air at the top, I thought about people who feel like that all the time. I thought about the reason we were there......The American Lung Association. Whether self inflicted (smoking, etc), health related or like my neighbor/friend, work related, the inability to take in air needed is scary. Awareness is key. Awareness brought forth by ACTION is so much more effective. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT BURNING, GASPING FEELING!

In the end, surprisingly, I did really well! Prior to the Firefighter Climb (actual firefighters in full gear), I was 34th out of 183. After they climbed, I finished 37th out of 222! My official time was 7:47. I was shocked. Sometimes, we just don't realize what we are capable of accomplishing. I encourage women all the time to test limits. Do things you could have never imagined yourself doing. With each experience, I continue to grow. I continue to realize all the goals I have are obtainable. Do not be afraid. A great motto I live by is: Do something everyday that gets you closer to your goals.

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