Friday, February 27, 2015

Breakfast Wrap: Turkey Sausage and Veggies

I am home this morning with an ill little girl so I had some extra time in creating my breakfast wrap. This one turned out to be one of my favorites: 

I started with by chopping up 2 of my favorite turkey sausage links.

To the chopped sausage I added: onion, green pepper, fresh mushrooms and spinach. I heated all of that in a skillet.

I then added 1 egg scrambled with some almond milk. 
Once that is cooked, I wrapped it, along with some diced tomatoes and some feta cheese (small amount gives great flavor) in a Flatout flatbread.

I then put it on my panini press and bam, deliciousness!!!

Hope you enjoy! Let me know...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Sam's great buy!

As always, I look for a great buy on everything. I wanted to share this one:

This is the organic Mac n Cheese that I recently found at Sams in Louisville, Ky. The part I love:

And the best part, less than $1 a box!!!
It comes 9 boxes for $8.78. Let's face it, we all need those easy to make items for those late, hectic nights. I'm satisfied knowing that this is a decent alternative for my daughter. And, she likes it! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A "meaty" side...stuffed mushrooms!

Served as a side or like tonight, a meal, this is sure to fill you up!

Portabella mushrooms stuffed with thin onion slices, turkey sausage, small amounts of feta and parmasean cheese and filled with balsamic vinegar. I prefer this in the summer on the grill, but baked in the oven worked great! 

Final results:

Delicious and extremely filling!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Looking for a good deal!

I don't have time in my life to blog multiple times a day. Heck, I don't have time to blog multiple times a week! However, tonight's late night trip to Walmart to pick up Valentines has inspired this post. 

Growing up as a child, I was raised in a low-middle or high-lower (depending on how you look at it) income family. I had very hard working parents but there were several times throughout my childhood that money was tight. My mother was always looking for a good deal, a way to save money. She always checked the sales ads, clipped coupons, hit the sales rack, etc. I knew no other way. These are traits to still possess today. In fact, I didn't know that not everyone grew up hitting Krogers after the laundromat on a Friday night, making the most on double coupons. In my adult years, the realization that some people have no financial common sense, one area being grocery shopping, has really surprised me. 

For a family of three, we spend a lot of money at the grocery store. At this point in our lives, I cook nearly all food we consume, unless we are out of town. Fresh, natural, organic foods contribute to our large bill. However, in a quest to serve my family healthy meals, these costly items are a priority to me. Like all middle income families, there has to be a limit, a budget, to how much is spent weekly. Let's face it, money doesn't grow on trees and I am not independently wealthy due to winning Powerball, so I have to find ways to stretch the dollar.

Back to tonight's Walmart trip. I never, ever, ever go to Walmart without a perimeter check; zoning in on meat and produce. The deals that can be found in these sections are amazing and I am a huge fan of the yellow tags! Tonight score: 93/7 lean ground beef!!!! Four pound packs marked down to $16.08, making it roughly $4 a pound. The savings per four pound pack was $6.89.  I bought three of these packs for a total savings of $20.67!!!! 

Who doesn't want $20 worth of meat for free?!? This meat was marked for use or to freeze by 2/11 and looked perfect. SCORE! Needless to say, my freezer is full of beef! 

Simple things like this add up to hundreds and even thousands of dollars a year. It's all about sensible decisions!

38 Flights of Stairs: Part 2 - The After

Well, I made it...

Let me begin by saying The American Lung Association's Fight for Air Climb was absolutely amazing! What an experience!

Like I said in the last post, I have never participated in an event like this. The object: get from the bottom to the top, via 38 flights of stairs, as quickly as possible. I had no expectation, no real time set in my head. My only goal was to finish and not die! When you are surrounded by nothing but concrete walls and steps, in a small enclosed space, with no where to go but up, your mind can play tricks on you. I was so driven to get to the top that I lost track of what floor I was on and actually had to be told I was done! I have never felt the burning my my chest and lungs like that before. It is truly indescribable. As I gasped for air at the top, I thought about people who feel like that all the time. I thought about the reason we were there......The American Lung Association. Whether self inflicted (smoking, etc), health related or like my neighbor/friend, work related, the inability to take in air needed is scary. Awareness is key. Awareness brought forth by ACTION is so much more effective. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT BURNING, GASPING FEELING!

In the end, surprisingly, I did really well! Prior to the Firefighter Climb (actual firefighters in full gear), I was 34th out of 183. After they climbed, I finished 37th out of 222! My official time was 7:47. I was shocked. Sometimes, we just don't realize what we are capable of accomplishing. I encourage women all the time to test limits. Do things you could have never imagined yourself doing. With each experience, I continue to grow. I continue to realize all the goals I have are obtainable. Do not be afraid. A great motto I live by is: Do something everyday that gets you closer to your goals.

Friday, February 6, 2015

38 Flights of Stairs: Part 1- The Before

As I sit here, just checked into my hotel, thinking about the morning ahead, I am worried. At 9:10 AM, along with a diverse team, I will begin the journey of climbing 38 flights of stairs in the American Lung Association's Fight for Air Climb at the National City Tower in Louisville, Kentucky.  I mean, let's face it, 38 flights of stairs is a lot. Climbing 38 flights for "fun" does seems slightly insane. I once climbed down 50+ flights of stairs (prior to checking on whether the elevator was still operating) during a tornado in Atlanta. That was rough, and it was DOWN!

I have been preparing for the climb by practicing with my teammates on the weekends I am in town. Practices have, ironically, been located at the hotel we regularly stay at, so I felt it must have been a sign that practicing was a must for me.

Let me say, stair climbing is much different than running and Zumba! It works muscles that I never knew were there. The "practice hotel" is 19 floors. For those not mathematically inclined, that's half! And I have a good feeling that although I complete those 19 floors multiple times each practice, climbing 38 consecutive will be challenging.

I am worried. But, I am excited. I love new adventures. Like I say during my Zumba classes, YOU DON'T KNOW YOU CAN'T DO SOMETHING UNLESS YOU TRY IT! So try.....

For now, I am off to bed. Once again, I will be missing my Zumba girls in the morning. If you are reading this before class, shake it hard for me.

To be continued................

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Food Prep: Just one more reason it's so important!

I have always thought food prep was a vital part in "keeping on track". Today is a perfect example why proper prepping keeps you from making last minute wrong decisions on food choices.

When I woke up this morning, I could feel the onset of the crud! Yuck! I spent the day diffusing my oils (more on that in later posts) and longing for some evening couch time. Of course, dinner needed to be served and luckily for me, earlier in the week I prepared a roast and last night, despite being worn out after teaching a Tone & Sculpt class, I turned the leftover roast into homemade vegetable soup. I hate to think what we would have consumed had I not been prepared with a healthy dinner option. Bottom line, we never know when "life" is going to happen. Being prepared is one way to be certain that obstacles will not interfere with our goals of a healthy lifestyle.

What ways do you food prep?

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hello, allow me to introduce myself....

Hello! If you are reading this, it means I have decided to finally start my own blog. It's been a thought for some time, but finding time to go through with "thoughts" often escapes my everyday. 

Allow me to introduce myself and my reasoning behind this blog. I am a working mother and wife. I have 1 child, age 7. My husband of 11 years and I own a dental practice and work together everyday. In my quest to be a good mother and wife, I am always searching for "savers"; money savers, time savers and those great "life savers" that pull us through our sometimes incredibly hectic life. I love, love , love to cook and am always looking for healthy alternatives to my favorite foods (which is why you will see so many recipe posts). I believe in hard work. I believe in doing things the right way the first time. I believe in enjoying life. I do not believe that a woman's job is to stay home barefoot and pregnant, waiting endlessly on her family, but instead, to be the best wife and mother to her family. I believe to do so, a woman needs to take time for herself. I believe mental health is as important as physical health. Howver, physical health is a huge part of what made me start this blog. I am a certified group fitness instructor and am blessed to teach Zumba 4 days a week with my two best friends. My friends teach and inspire my daily. I think great friends are very important. 

My mission in this blog is to share my experiences with others. These experiences can include family, health, fitness, nutrition and money saving techniques, as well as anything else I think someone might be interested in. I think I possess a lot of knowledge in these areas, yet at the same time, think I still have much to learn and hope this blog can be a forum to learn and discuss new ways in tackling tasks...