I don't have time in my life to blog multiple times a day. Heck, I don't have time to blog multiple times a week! However, tonight's late night trip to Walmart to pick up Valentines has inspired this post.
Growing up as a child, I was raised in a low-middle or high-lower (depending on how you look at it) income family. I had very hard working parents but there were several times throughout my childhood that money was tight. My mother was always looking for a good deal, a way to save money. She always checked the sales ads, clipped coupons, hit the sales rack, etc. I knew no other way. These are traits to still possess today. In fact, I didn't know that not everyone grew up hitting Krogers after the laundromat on a Friday night, making the most on double coupons. In my adult years, the realization that some people have no financial common sense, one area being grocery shopping, has really surprised me.
For a family of three, we spend a lot of money at the grocery store. At this point in our lives, I cook nearly all food we consume, unless we are out of town. Fresh, natural, organic foods contribute to our large bill. However, in a quest to serve my family healthy meals, these costly items are a priority to me. Like all middle income families, there has to be a limit, a budget, to how much is spent weekly. Let's face it, money doesn't grow on trees and I am not independently wealthy due to winning Powerball, so I have to find ways to stretch the dollar.
Back to tonight's Walmart trip. I never, ever, ever go to Walmart without a perimeter check; zoning in on meat and produce. The deals that can be found in these sections are amazing and I am a huge fan of the yellow tags! Tonight score: 93/7 lean ground beef!!!! Four pound packs marked down to $16.08, making it roughly $4 a pound. The savings per four pound pack was $6.89. I bought three of these packs for a total savings of $20.67!!!!
Who doesn't want $20 worth of meat for free?!? This meat was marked for use or to freeze by 2/11 and looked perfect. SCORE! Needless to say, my freezer is full of beef!
Simple things like this add up to hundreds and even thousands of dollars a year. It's all about sensible decisions!